Saturday, 25 May 2013

Anger On The Streets - and Facebook

I don't get it? maybe I'm wired differently but this bile and aggression surrounding the death of Drummer Lee Rigby worries me.  Yes, I was horrified and disgusted by the wanton murder of a young soldier on his home soil.  Radical Islam is defiantly to blame and specifically the two idiot zealots that carried out the sick attack (and the person or persons that brain-washed them in the first place).   But - and I think it's a big but - I keep reading hostile and sometime vile statements all over Facebook and other social media.

Seemingly normal individuals calling for or agreeing with random acts of violence against Muslim places of worship or people.  As an atheist I don't understand why anyone would wish to gather together to worship an invisible friend let alone kill someone else because they worship the same god in a different manner.

The attack was terrorism pure and simple and the response generated is exactly the what these people want.  We are sinking to their level and that is exactly what they want.  The problem is our feeble laws in this country.

I hear people all the time calling to send them home if they don't like it here.  The problem of course is the people that were born here.  Yes, of course if they are calling for Shariah law in the UK they have the option to leave and live in a country that has that system.  Then of course there are the people who actually take it to the extreme and cause death and destruction through acts of terrorism.  Don't deport them, punish them.  Perhaps the death penalty should be reinstated for these criminals.  The two who murdered Lee Rigby should be executed when they have been found guilty of these acts of terror and murder.

Immigration is not a problem if the proper laws and rules are in place.  This is one world and the colour of your skin, country of birth or mythical belief  should not stand in the way of where you live.  As long as you integrate into that place or country.  You learn the language, you work to earn a living (and pay your taxes), you get no special privileges.  Any religion (including the lack of one) should be tolerated as long as it has no impact on other members of society.  Feel free to worship whatever god you believe in as long as you expect no special laws to aid you over and above people who believe differently.

We all know in our heart of hearts what is right and wrong, these terrorists have been brain-washed by people with some sort of agenda into believing that their invisible friend is better than someone else's.  This terror is caused by men for and against other men, no god is involved and the worship of any god peacefully should not be persecuted.

All that said, and herein lies the rub;  The bile and hatred pouring out of the British people at the moment is not that far removed from what these radicals that cause these atrocities are saying and doing - an eye for an eye etc.  Groups like the EDL and the BNP are jumping on the band-wagon allowing and encouraging this aggressive stance to stir-up emotions and get their own despicable way.  Our fathers and grand-fathers fought two world wars and many other battles to get us the freedom which we are accustomed to.

In the sixties there was much talk of love and peace, one day maybe we will realise that we are all people, all humans and we will learn to live together.  I don't believe that it will happen in my lifetime and that makes me sad.

An eye for an eye is one thing if it's done using the rule of law but for individuals to use it as an excuse for murder is wrong - and this applies to all of us whatever our colour, creed, religion, sexual orientation or place of birth.

As for religious laws there should only be one commandment: Be nice to each other and keep thy religion to thyself.

1 comment:

  1. Feeling your sentiments. I too hate the BNP/EDL, but know that until ordinary muslims start condemning the areas of the Qu'ran that to those who take this book seriously enough to believes certain verses sanction this kind of behaviour, then nothing will be acheived.
